Reynard City voiceover

Foxy Voiceover for Reynard City Chronicles

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I’ve been busy this month with a bit of foxy acting work. Hey! God! No! What are you thinking? Not that kind of foxy. When I say Foxy….I mean FOXY! With a capital Fox.

Marie Cooper Actor Snapchat Reynard City Fox

Reynard City asked if I would record one of their audio short stories.
So I got to be a foxy superhero for a bit. Not that it went to my head or anything…..Foxifying myself was just to show my support….ok?……so don’t judge me!….. Yeah….*whispers*……think I totally got away with it….Ahem!


Ah, You may also have noticed that I no longer look like me.  I mean, besides the ears, nose, whiskers and eyes. My hair kinda changed colour. I got hellishly bored of trying to wait for the dark brown to grow out of my hair again. Seriously! When hair is this long, it takes a squillion years to grow out. I’ll save you the nightmarish details of failed attempts at lightening and a head of bright orange, but it is now….honey blonde. Yes, honey blonde. That is exactly what it said on the packet and I do not agree with Ashlie’s observation that I am ginger. Five year old’s are stupid!

Reynard City Audio Stories

Anyway, I digress, faster than a blimping fox can float into the distance……The web comic follows the story of Vibes McAllister, AKA AK Girl, who is not your average superhero. She has superpowers, yes, but she is also afflicted with a devastating and……strange ……weakness, of which, unfortunately for her, her nemesis Mega Fox is quite aware.

REYNARDCITY1The audio story I have been working on is part of Reynard City’s fantastic new project on Patreon. That’s a site where patrons sign up and support the creative work of the artists that they enjoy the work of and would like to see more of. Patrons who sign up are helping Reynard City raise the funds it needs to relaunch Reynard City Chronicles as a graphic novel.  As a reward for their support, patrons get exclusive membership access to artwork and stories.

Last month, in the first of Reynard City’s Audio Stories, Hayley, told the exciting tale of how Animal Planet began, the foxy trio met and the first ever battle with Mega Fox.

Coming up in part 2, I will be……..Well, I can’t tell you that, can I? It hasn’t been announced yet. It’s a surprise…. But it’s a goodun’. Keep an eye out on the Reynard City blog page for news of the story release….

If you do get to listen to the story, do tell me what you think. It was my first, non-corporate voiceover, so I would very much appreciate feedback, I’m not precious 🙂


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