Blog authored by Norfolk actress and playwright – Page 9 – Marie Cooper

Vintage Fashion Modelling at John Lewis

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In September, an opportunity arose to work on something completely different, a vintage fashion show at John Lewis in Norwich. I saw an ad for for fashion show models by the Fabulous Miss K and got in touch, partially not expecting to hear back. So I was a little dazed to find myself waiting, as instructed, in the entrance of John Lewis on a crisp, Saturday morning.

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Visit out to Polkey’s Mill

Reading Time: 8 minutes

Written in my notebook on Sunday September 15th, 2019

It’s a gorgeous sunny day this morning. The blue and green flashes by the train window. It’s been a while since I’ve travelled by train. Wish I could afford to do it more often. I do strangely enjoy it. Well, when it’s quiet, which it is in the early hours of Sunday morning on the Lowestoft train.

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Acting as a Background Artist

Image of analogue film strips
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Day Before the Film Shoot

I was stupidly excited the night before the shooting. Despite knowing that it  would be mostly sitting about, waiting, I was really looking forward to my first day working with NBA Norfolk, a locally based background artiste’s agency. Okay, yes, I know! I am excited the first time I do anything or go anywhere. This was the first time that I had done background work on a project for such a high profile and international television network.

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