Marie Cooper Actor with the cast of the Hellthy movie taken after filming

Hellthy – Filming with IW Films in Norfolk

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Update 2020: ‘Hellthy’ has now been released and can be streamed immediately on Amazon. If you have Amazon Prime you can watch it for free

Project Update 2019:  The film ‘Hellthy’ by IWFilms is now complete and will be doing the festival circuit. Check out the trailer below…

‘Hellthy’ Trailer

Hellthy Trailer 1 – British Zero Budget Psychological Horror – Paul Andrew Goldsmith from iW FIlms on Vimeo.

If you are interested in finding out more about the film and director/producer, you can find more details, including Director Biography, overview of the movie, specs, credits, production photos over at FilmFreeway.

Filming with IWFilms on the Norfolk Coast

12th February 2018

I spent an enjoyable afternoon on the film shoot for ‘Hellthy’ in a traditional pub on the Norfolk coast, with IWFilms, director Stephen Willis, Paul Goldsmith, Clive Stubbs, Steve Dunn and Tilly.

I have not had many (and when I say many, I mean any) performances before, where a pint glass containing real beer (well, when I say beer, I mean Shandy) has been put down in front of me as part of the set and I am allowed to drink it. Not that I am complaining mind.

I was having a chat with the landlady and she told me that the pub had also, many years ago, been used to film an episode of ‘The Chief’.

As well as meeting some lovely new people , I also met the extremely friendly and handsome ‘Blue’. Blue decided that he would rather have a cuddle on my lap than go for a walk. He was such a cutie,  but he was highly jiggly when I was trying to take a selfie with him. I didn’t realise I had left my sunglasses on my head, until filming was over and I attempted the dog selfie.

Hellthy is produced by IW Films and directed by Stephen Willis.

Synopis: “A psychopath kidnaps addicts and forces them through torturous rehabilitation”

The filming for this scene was in Great Yarmouth on 12th February 2018.

The feature film was completed on 19 June 2019.

Duration: 1 hour 34 minutes 21 seconds


Paul Andrew Goldsmith
Talithia Willsea
Ian Alldis

Supporting Actors:

Behind the Scenes Photos on Film Set for Hellthy

Behind the scenes photos taken by the cast and crew during filming below. With permission from Paul Andrew Goldsmith

Selfie with Blue on the Film Set of ‘Hellthy’

Hellty IW Films Feb 2018
After filming I made friends with the local doge.


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