I am back and a bit frazzled after completing NaNoWriMo 2022 on 28 November 2022. NaNoWriMo is the National Novel Writing Month. The aim is to write 50,000 words during November.
I am happy to have completed it. The challenge felt insurmountable when I began.
Some days felt wonderful and the words flowed. But, there were many early mornings, and late nights when trying to find the words felt brutally painful.
It was especially challenging when I was tired, rushed, or just was not feeling particularly creative. Trying to fit writing time around other work and family time was not easy. It was an emotional month, but I now have 50,000 more words of my novel to add to the existing Chapter and notes.
I might write a bit about the process at some point over on my Novel Progress Page, but at the moment, I just want to take some time out to rest my brain, breathe, and enjoy the accomplishment.
If I can resist the temptation, I will likely wait until after Christmas before I start piecing the novel together in order, printing and starting the first edit.
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